Date:         Wed, 9 Jul 2003 23:17:42 -0400
From: Alan Sondheim <sondheim@PANIX.COM>
Subject: What Really Happened in the Wallvoid

What Really Happened in the Wallvoid

Private _ Private _ 1. me!" = 1. "don't = you "don't ever you fuck ever
me!" fuck alone" "leave me "leave alone" me 1. me" with fuck me" with 2.
fuck" fuck" "don't 3. out" squeeze "don't out" me End 1_ "nikuko's = lost
"nikuko's her lost baby!" her "nikuko dropping" "nikuko 1. baby" fucked
"nikuko's baby" fucked dropped "nikuko's "i said "i nikuko's said .
"miscarriage?" "miscarriage?" = nikuko said dead "nikuko's 2_ "not = both
"not and nikuko nikuko" and want "i my want baby my back!" baby "stop =
it!" "stop fucking "stop us!" with "get = out "get of out here!" of "baby
= 1. cunt!" leaves "nikuko cunt!" her 3_ away "get from away "take = cunt"
my in me cock" my to want eat to your eat 1_ "i'd = never "i'd screw never
you!" screw coming "nikuko going" and cunt my back" cunt 2. back!" "you'll
have never me, have any me, get said out!" get "stick = it "stick in!" it
told "i 2_ "everyone = forever" me "you just "you hunger "you for hunger
wanted never anything wanted so anything bad" so can't "you see can't 1_
"(a|a)|(b|b)" = wall "nikuko's flesh" of "fgfgggfgfgfgggfgggfggg"  "f" =
"g" = "fggg" = "fg" = Picture1_ "wall" = you" for "put i you
Timer1_Timer()  Dim As MoveH Dim As MoveH Integer, As MoveV Integer,
MoveH2 Integer, MoveV2 Integer, MoveH3 Integer, MoveV3 Integer, Integer As
If Then 1.Top If > 1.Top Me.ScaleHeight > Then Me.ScaleHeight 0 0= Else
-40= 1.Left If Me.ScaleWidth > 1.Move - 1.Left MoveH, - 2.Top If -60 =
2.Left If -6 = 2.Move MoveV2 MoveH2, - 3.Top If -80 = 3.Left If Else: -8
-8 = 3.Move MoveV3 MoveH3 -


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