Date: Wed, 2 Apr 2003 13:06:08 GMT
To: Alan Sondheim <>
Subject: Re: anti-war

re: anti-war

[01KECK: media klaxons of kakistocracy] [kainotophobia]
[02KECK: wail psoriatic image-waste upon] [kakidrosis]
[03KECK: failed miserable students of the death-idyll]
[04KECK: whose gluttonous bilge-world] [kamerad]
[05KECK: heaves and clatters psychocacophantic] [kaneh]
[06KECK: from the pandoran grotto where tekne's] [kantar]
[07KECK: blessing turned putrid w/ the black phusis] [katabasis]
[08KECK: of its inverted epiphaniacal phantasm] [katzenjammer]
[09KECK: a disease throng whose mutant corybantic] [keckle]
[01KECK: holobellicaustic industry writhes in] [ked]
[02KECK: cancerous interpenetrations of cancerous] [keister]
[03KECK: denial, a skinless misanthropic erotism] [keloid]
[04KECK: whose strip-tease of rotting mind-guts] [kenodoxy]
[05KECK: wretch and parody a vile and foetal paste] [kephalonomancy]
[06KECK: of grotesque inbred propaganda...] [killcrop]

gorgon-jester1: kinetogenic rape module
gorgon-jester2: kippage and kirwarring kinesics
gorgon-jester3: kistvaen of kismet's kissel

In the making-meta of a kirpan lies the whimsical peace of anarchy.
White butterstars flail in the boiling bloodstripes lept over blue in
sadness' space.
Gum-suns yanking their hose-innards briefly, knackish klendusic
a knosp of the knout and knubble.

\\TheN O Tspa ce cle ars+

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