From: Alan Sondheim <>
Date: Tue May 27, 2003  6:17 am
Subject: Re: [screenburn] monthly collaborations?

Sounds all right if you high bandwidth; I don't and would have to sit this
one out.  On the other hand, if the submission was to a website that
everyone could access, then there would be little bandwidth problem; one
could modify anytime, and wouldn't have to deal necessarily with
downloading -

& hello everyone - Alan

On Mon, 26 May 2003, Lewis LaCook wrote:

> how does everyone feel about monthly collabs?
> >>>here's what i have in mind----PLEASE modify!
> each month, anyone who wants to should submit in some way up to three forms
of media--text, images, audio, video, etc...
> each month, these are compiled into a collaborative zip file for downloading
> each month, anyone who wishes may download this file and work on a piece
> pieces can be linked or (to use rhizome's coinage) cloned somewhere on (or do believe renee and i own that
domain name...)
> i'm not sure how to handle scripts and such in this process, as we'll be
working in a variety of media, from flash and director to dhtml---this is
something i could use some input on---
> how does this strike everyone?
> bliss
> l
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