Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2003 07:22:12 +0000
From: "" <subrosa@SPEAKEASY.NET>
Subject: how seeing others edit their work makes for interesting viewing

the deflated faucets

tunneling & water speak a certain language * made to live together * a hat =
and ahead of etc. * deplores a weak advance toward the better design * I sl=
inks away through the obstacles I=E2=80=99ve built * an anxious scaffold ke=
eps me in air * I hate the vertigo * now burns a past device * as nothing, =
but the future stays with me * holds the next move * abreast of what tomorr=
ow=E2=80=99s do * I am, the, as nothing is hidden in the, the, the eye of I=
=E2=80=99s not is nothing * but sleeps in a wink * the darling inside reduc=
ed * as it is loses appeal it slips passed the planet * u inhabit, u inchoa=
te, u hirsute fuck like a monkey with a bus pass * the puzzle of demurred l=
ibido * unraveled language we whisper each the other * come and deny me * c=
ome and depress me with coins of further inside * as to recall inky print l=
eft on your hands * detective=E2=80=99s dimple * an ampersand=E2=80=99s del=
ight joining couple things, couple signs, couple negatives * peril of pulle=
d punching through fog * as I am placed in fire * the worker hates the mana=
ger * in me * in me the worst of solving * without pain * a swallowed raft =
slipping media passed a tube connected to thinking something * animal * lik=
e a tongued breathing unit * spelled like switzerland * as john kennedy is =
a russian * as a robot now * a squeaky aside driving through the woods, lea=
ves, twigs singing hum hum hums * the delivery is scaled down in the arms o=
f a fiasco crossing the street * her flamingo, her flamenco alarmed us tree=
s * skimmed over the surface like hypnotists * a textbook of sloppy hijinx =
* a delirious hem disassociates and miraculous * the doorbell ring * this s=
onorous miasma

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