Date: Sat, 15 Nov 2003 14:25:46 -0500
From: Ian VanHeusen <ianvanh@HOTMAIL.COM>
Subject: Word-virus: Nomadic Resistance

The following is research (or experimentation) for a graduate paper. Please
reply on list & forwarding is always encouraged. Thanks to any & all who
participate. If this sounds familiar, then we probably read the same books.

I am iterating myself
It is the internet
It is a network
It is the logic of the leaves of grass (& therefore Walt Whitman)
It is the &
It is the rhizome
It is (to quote Paul Celan)

              Under the way
There can be no reform. Society cannot be changed. (blank) can only be
The word virus is ingested. (blank) spreads through all major systems, but
never appearing on the surface of the skin. The word-virus is underground,
like the Weathermen.
In other words, "The revolution will not be televised."
All the spectator will see are symptoms.
William Burroughs was a programmer of word-virus, but there is no singular
Wilhem Reich devised a system of body contortions through which stored
neurosis is released from the body cells.
Word-virus contorts language... acting the same way upon brain cells.
Like sexual intercourse, it is always a computer-to-computer exchange.
The ultimate word-virus will completely unable reality as we know it.
Current sources of infection:
the Move Organization, Language poetry, Ethno-poetics, the Albany Free
School, the Zapatistas, Chaos Theory, Deleuze & Guattarri, Derrida, & etc.
The word-virus is propoganda but not because (blank) presents a clear
political agenda, but... NEVERMIND, the word-virus is propogating.
The state has always existed in order to attempt at curing the word-virus
The only vaccination for the word-virus is fascism.
Word-virus is recieving Alan Sondheim's e-mails everyday via the list. There
have been numerous reports of seizures. Patients have reported a desire to
read everything at once.
Often  I am left with no choice but to delete the messages because I cannot
deal with their impossibility.
Another source of infection: My friend who insists upon yelling at Movie
Screens & encourages me to join saying, "How can you just sit there without
doing something?"
Warning: resistance is contagious
It is the Mendelbrot set
It is Autumn Rythm (not Pollock)
The word-virus is not it.
The word-
It is a space opened by a koan
Maurice Blanchot, Gertrude Stein, Mac Low, & etc.
The Buffalo poetics list, and subsequently all discussion lists, operate on
the logic of the word-virus. The desired effect of a post is infection.
"Our word is our weapon." Subcomandante Marcos, EZLN
I self-iterating my
Furthermore, Reichian pyschoanalytic practice involves the development of
self-regulation. This process involved the undermining of imposed morality,
substituting what Reich refferred to as "sex-economy" as the basis for
forming decisions.

In other words, he planted a word-virus that disabled moral inhibtions.
Through iteration the word-virus is constantly mutating, displacing even
(blank)'s identity.
In an extreme cas of infection, the patient Kurt Schwitters said the
Lanke te gllll.
The pie-ing of "officials" is not word-virus. However, (blank) is extremely
humorous and highly encouraged.
The word-virus is the ideological weapon of Anarchism in that (blank)
displaces the heirarchy of ideology.
After the word virus was released upon the tower of Babel, everyone went
home and began writing poetry in their tongues.

We should note that not one word was legible.
Try to think the internet

      Policies dangerously increase.

MSN Messenger with backgrounds, emoticons and more.

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