Date: Sat, 16 Oct 2004 21:20:16 -0400 (EDT)
From: Alan Sondheim <>
Subject: machinic  

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Espen J. Aarseth, 1997, Johns Hopkins, Baltimore and London "Angelaki:
Journal of the Theoretical Humanities, Special Issue: Machinic
Modulations, New Cultural Theory and
C:\sampler\BKREVIEW.TXT - 1 cached - Oct 13
here) on the other, a work slipped among human, virtual, and technological
interfacings. a work of simultaneous machinic and fleshly insistence: the
alter/altar ego presenced uneasily on your
C:\sampler\stelarc.txt - 1 cached - Oct 13
bodies. We're the best at it, particularly blond/blue-eyed appearing
historyless dominating body types everywhere with more writhing silicon
implants, toned machinic Nautilus muscles. They
C:\sampler\zz.txt - 1 cached - Oct 13
the construct of a fully-developed world of sound (ever heard binaural? It
removes the listener from space-time cause and effect machinic coordinates
(and De- leluze and Guattari
C:\sampler\r.txt - 1 cached - Oct 13
the machine which wrytes the body, that the body is always already
wrytten, encoded _all the way down_ but I would also argue that the body
is not _machinic
C:\sampler\o.txt - 1 cached - Oct 13
is what I mean by techne defined by the _core_ which itself suddenly pulls
an ontological shift: guess what, the real as video chips, simms, cpus,
and other fauna of the machinic suddenly
C:\sampler\j.txt - 1 cached - Oct 13
and "cock" rather almost always than "vagina" and "penis" because these
are cited/sited anywhere writing the antithesis to cyborg, this_ site is
the incorporation of the organic into a machinic
C:\sampler\d.txt - 1 cached - Oct 13
marrow of pass- ing for the soul, what is this passing, the nature of the
passing. What could write would be the _instrument of passion_ would be
the assemblage, machinic or otherwise, cam
C:\sampler\a.txt - 1 cached - Oct 13
as genident- ity is described by Reichenbach for states and objects, one
might have a genidentity of processes or chains of processes; a machinic
lineage is an example. Along with
C:\sampler\my.txt - 1 cached - Aug 28
the hinge between bot and machine, software and wetware programming! In a
sense it's Stelarc in print, but with the latter, the machinic and the
body are in negotiated homeostasis
C:\sampler\mr.txt - 1 cached - Aug 28
all that stuff.well, it's just what Foucault would call the normalization let's get disciplined, machinic capitalism
there is a grey-blue beauty
C:\fl\cyb\CYB54.TXT - 1 cached - Jul 22
Yes, I've read stuff about the US airforce (thank you fido) trying to use
specific brain impulses to eliminate teh lag between human perception and
action, to trigger specific machinic actions, such
C:\fl\cyb\CYB35.TXT - 1 cached - Jul 22
gender, etc into a _larger_ discussion >without making it the
center/defining issue? And can we include sexual/gendered fields into that
discussion? So that the machinic would have its sites
C:\fl\cyb\C135.TXT - 1 cached - Jul 22
try to nudge forward a multiplicity, to assemble it within the unknown
depths of a "virtuality" As Nick Land argues, machinic desire is the
operation of the virtual
C:\fl\dial95\STIVALE.TXT - 1 cached - Jul 22
transmit into free radicals bound for cyber in/outlets untenable chains of
freedom gesture weightless in a productive void linked machinic and
pumping words like bullets out
C:\fl\fop\FOP50.TXT - 1 cached - Jul 22
marrow of pass- ing for the soul, what is this passing, the nature of the
passing. What could write would be the _instrument of passion_ would be
the assemblage, machinic or otherwise, cam
C:\fl\fop\FOP45.TXT - 1 cached - Jul 22
Rage sets in, encumbered by the normal fluidity of the Net. Suddenly, the
monster rears itself as a confluence of protocols; no longer a window, not
even a mirror, it becomes machinic, an
C:\fl\fop\FOP30.TXT - 1 cached - Jul 22
words. And perhaps that is not inappropriate for a group of people getting
together to think through a set of issues surrounding a technology of the
machinic and a technology of the self. We
C:\fl\image\perth\SEMI.TXT - 1 cached - Jul 22
fanta- sies as the self is destructured. 10 Physiology of arousal, of
cumming, of typing, of trembling, of wet hands and fingers: the real
returns as well. 11 It is all sourceless, machinic
C:\course2\ARTICLES\OHIOCONF.txt - 1 cached - Jul 21
fanta- sies as the self is destructured. 10 Physiology of arousal, of
cumming, of typing, of trembling, of wet hands and fingers: the real
returns as well. 11 It is all sourceless, machinic
C:\course2\BOOK\TALKS\ohioconf.txt - 1 cached - Jul 21
words. And perhaps that is not inappropriate for a group of people getting
together to think through a set of issues surrounding a technology of the
machinic and a technology of the self. We
C:\course2\ELIST\semiotic.txt - 1 cached - Jul 21
Espen J. Aarseth, 1997, Johns Hopkins, Baltimore and London "Angelaki:
Journal of the Theoretical Humanities, Special Issue: Machinic
Modulations, New Cultural Theory and
C:\COURSE\BOOK\BKREVIEW.TXT - 1 cached - Jul 21
try to nudge forward a multiplicity, to assemble it within the unknown
depths of a "virtuality" As Nick Land argues, machinic desire is the
operation of the virtual
the construct of a fully-developed world of sound (ever heard binaural? It
removes the listener from space-time cause and effect machinic coordinates
(and De- leluze and Guattari
C:\COURSE\NETWORK\r.txt - 1 cached - Jul 21
the machine which wrytes the body, that the body is always already
wrytten, encoded _all the way down_ but I would also argue that the body
is not _machinic
C:\COURSE\NETWORK\o.txt - 1 cached - Jul 21
is what I mean by techne defined by the _core_ which itself suddenly pulls
an ontological shift: guess what, the real as video chips, simms, cpus,
and other fauna of the machinic suddenly
C:\COURSE\NETWORK\j.txt - 1 cached - Jul 21
and "cock" rather almost always than "vagina" and "penis" because these
are cited/sited anywhere writing the antithesis to cyborg, this_ site is
the incorporation of the organic into a machinic
C:\COURSE\NETWORK\d.txt - 1 cached - Jul 21
marrow of pass- ing for the soul, what is this passing, the nature of the
passing. What could write would be the _instrument of passion_ would be
the assemblage, machinic or otherwise, cam
C:\COURSE\NETWORK\a.txt - 1 cached - Jul 21


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